Info + Download

The Cities [Link]
PvP [Link]
Solomon Island [Link]
Egypt [Link]
Transylvania [Link]

What you will find here is essentially 20 hours worth of music meant to replace the soundtrack for Funcom’s The Secret World. Coming from the fan of classical orchestra and composers like John Williams, Jeremy Goldsmith, and Elliot Goldenthal, I felt that the rock guitar infused and electronic score didn’t fit the bill. The music was essentially transparent and void of any real sense of horror or narrative weight.

So, with that in mind I decided to go through my music library and arrange my own soundtrack. Each zone and dungeon was granted one hour worth of unique, individualized music, designed to not only give musical vocabulary to the surroundings but also to act as narrative weight to what was going on. The only exception to these rules were Solomon Island and PvP; Solomon Island due to just how similar each of the three zones were in terms of the scenarios they presented to the player and the landscape they ventured through. As for PvP, I just felt that good old fashioned battle music would be a better fit than trying to be subtle and describe the “Secret War” going on between the Societies. Both Solomon Island and PvP got two hours worth of music each.

Overall, the zone playlists are essentially just mood setters with a distinct lack of action cues. I felt that action pieces were best reserved for the dungeons, which were just non-stop action, whereas I went with more moody, landscape setting pieces for the zones.


  1. ok you are just a great person. I love funcoms earlier games and the music, i’m also from norway. and i was so looking forward to the secret world and how the music would sould this time around. such a great concept and setting,almost too goodto be true,and it was.
    the music did nothing to me, nor to the game. its a real shame, but here you are,thinking exacly what i’m thinking, doing the exact thing im doing.
    i’llupload mylist soon too, mpost a link in the reply box here for you.
    thank youy so much 🙂

    love from norway.

    and sorry for the bad writing. my keyboard is crazy, and i just woke up and i’m from norway 🙂

  2. endymion · · Reply

    Hello good sir. Have you ever heard Zbigniew Preisner? I bet you know of Ligeti and Kilar, but please, if you have not heard Preisner, please listen awhile.
    I think that a lot of his music fits perfectly for the overall passion of the secret world concept.

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